Audio Search

Search our catalog with any YouTube, Spotify, TikTok, Apple Music, Vimeo or SoundCloud link.

Want to find something with a similar sound or feel to a reference track? Our new Audio Search feature is here to help. Powered by innovative AI, our dynamic search tool will help you find what you’re looking for, in just a few clicks. And in the process, you may also find some other fantastic tracks in our catalog, giving you even more choice.

How can I search with a reference track?

Log in to our Search tool and paste the link of your reference track from one of the following streaming sites into the search bar:

  • YouTube
  • Spotify
  • TikTok
  • Apple Music
  • Vimeo
  • SoundCloud

We return tracks that have a similar sound and feel from our 200,000+ track catalogue - it’s that straightforward.

How does it work?

AI technology analyses your track’s mood, style, BPM and instrumentation and returns tracks with a similar style and feel from our catalog. You can then filter the results as you normally would to narrow down your search. And we're continually improving our search tool with the latest functionality to help you discover relevant music for your project, faster. So, whatever you're producing, you’ll find the sounds to suit.

Try out Audio Search

To access Audio Search, either log in or create an account. Head to the Search Tool and try searching with a reference track.

Environment: LIVE